Garena Undawn Stygian City Patch Update


Garena Undawn, with its newly released Stygian City patch update, survival game has become more exciting and interesting for the players as it offers several amounts of updates to make their gameplay better and more interesting. In addition to providing brand new content to explore this update also refines a lot of the systems in the game to bring a smoother more immersive experience.

In this article, the author will discuss the major features of the Stygian City patch and how they increase Garena Undawn’s value. To get top up of Garena Undawn Buy Now at U7BUY.

Stygian City Map

The biggest addition to the Stygian City patch is the addition of a new map that is distinctly labeled as Stygian City. This great urban area is different from other survival games in that it is mostly set above ground, yet you will also have underground areas.

The players will be able to wander around the ruined city streets search for resources, and fight opponents who are zombies. The sewer and tunnel sections turn up the darkness, presenting players with a whole new level of complexity in having to go through a sewer system while also coming across new obstructions.

Stygian Restricted Area

This is in tandem with the new map, the Stygian Restricted Area, which is a new game mode that puts players into a very hostile and rather starved environment. In this mode, the cooperation between players and the acquisition of resources as well as the creation of obstacles and the confrontation with zombie waves is necessary.

The Stygian Restricted Area will undoubtedly challenge the group’s survival skills and interdisciplinary cooperation to the utmost extent, so fans of a greater ordeal should look forward to it.

Gathering Drone

There is also an addition of a gathering drone which is a gadget that helps in the collection of resources. Hence, the players can now use the drone to pick materials from given regions, thus relieving some workload. This feature is useful for players who may wish to spend more time in construction, crafting, or battles but do not have the time to take part in chopping trees or mining for raw materials.

Outfit Exchange Store

The Stygian City patch also includes the Outfit Exchange Store, a new feature that lets the players swap unwanted outfits for various resources or other outfits. This feature pushes the player to learn and discover new fashion options while giving a method through which those who do not have the necessary materials can obtain them.

Special Ops Mode

Apart from the new content, there are also general improvements and optimizations of the gameplay in the Stygian City patch. Specifically, these optimizations are concerned with increasing speed, decreasing glitches, and increasing the solidity of the game. In addition, the patch hints at the creation of a Special Ops mode, indicating that more difficulties and operations will be included in the game, thereby increasing the players’ replay value.


The update of the Stygian city of Garena Undawn Stygian City patch is one of the biggest and a clear indicator of the dedicated efforts of the development team of the company to always provide the best, and the best is never frozen but it is always evolving. Since the appearance of the new map called Stygian City, a new game mode called Stygian Restricted Area, a gathering drone, and a new shop called Outfit Exchange Store players have even more reasons to play Garena Undawn.

As the game, and more so its constant updates progress, it is evident that Garena Undawn is going to be a force to reckon with in the survival game genre, providing interesting satisfaction to those with any play style. Again to get top up of Garena Undawn, visit:

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