How To Help The People In Need

How To Help The People In Need

Looking at the world objectively, without any bias or preconceived notions, you will find it full of strife, hunger, and tribulation. While many people from developed and affluent nations might like to believe otherwise, the truth is that most of the world population, especially those living in underdeveloped, war-torn countries like Syria, Palestine, etc., struggles to make ends meet. Though many choose to turn a blind eye to the everyday hardships of the destitute, some others empathise and want to help the people in need. However, many a time, for want of a proper donation platform, they just cannot extend a helping hand. If you have ever thought of helping out the suffering families in Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon but couldn’t find an appropriate donation platform, no need to feel disheartened. Here’s the right forum that can help you improve Palestinian and Syrian refugee families’ lives.

UNRWA; Reaching out with a ray of hope to Palestinian refugee families

The UNRWA or the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, is a non-governmental, non-profit UN agency working towards the upliftment of the lives of Palestinian refugees. The agency has put in commendable efforts to light up the lives of the children and provide them with basic amenities. For extending financial support to the war-torn regions of Palestine, Syria, Gaza, and Lebanon, the UNRWA provides interested people with three options to choose from – monthly, one-time, and Zakat.

Through the accrual of funds, the UNRWA works towards ameliorating the following aspects of the lives of refugee Palestinians:

  1. Food – Food is one of the most fundamental amenities one can access. Feeding the poor is the biggest challenge for war-torn nations. The UNRWA strives to make sure all hungry families get access to food.
  2. Education – The children of the displaced families cannot afford to go to schools to receive education. With the funds it collects, the UNRWA contributes towards the school education of Palestine refugee children.
  3. Festivities – Helping the destitute celebrate Ramadan with Iftar is probably one of the best initiatives that bring a great smile to the faces of thousands of Palestinian children.
  4. Cash – Even cash assistance is provided to those who require money to support their needs.
  5. Assistance in times of natural calamities – Once a natural disaster strikes a region, the residents need immediate relief. The UNRWA provides relief support to regions such as Turkey and North Syria that were hit by a shattering earthquake.


Righteousness does not imply religious dogma but truly means to help the people in need. Palestine is perhaps a nation worst-hit by war and violence. Continued air and missile strikes from the hostile enemy have left many Palestinian families devoid of shelter. Such families are forced to live in refugee camps and rely on aid from people like you to fulfill their basic needs. To provide aid and relief to such Palestinian families, the UNRWA is working relentlessly. To contribute to the cause of UNRWA, you may get in touch through their website.

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