Using tricks to maximize your monthly calendar can help you to be more productive and to spend more time with family and friends. These tricks can create new events, customize your calendar view, set reminders to alert you about an upcoming event, and hide low-priority events until you need them.
Hide Low-Priority Calendars Until You Need Them
Putting your most essential calendars in their proper place allows you to spend less time re-arranging your schedule and more time doing what you care about. One of the most effective ways to do this is to hide low-priority calendars until you need them. You can do this in just about any calendar application you use. If you’re using a desktop or laptop PC, the most effective way to hide your low-priority calendars is to drag and drop them into the folder containing your high-priority ones. For example, if you have a Monday-Friday workday, you should hide low-priority calendars, such as your vacation schedule, until you’re ready to see them. The same concept can be applied to weekends.
Print Your Calendar
Getting your hands on a free printable monthly calendar is a great way to organize and stay on top of your schedule. They are also nice to look at. There are plenty of free online calendars to choose from. Aside from the free ones, you can also get your hands on various yearly, monthly, weekly, and even daily calendars. You can even print your calendar from your desktop, tablet, or phone. You can download a PDF version of your calendar if you don’t have a printer attached to your computer. After downloading your PDF, you can print it. The site’s main page offers an assortment of calendars in various formats and colors. A mini calendar resides to the left of the main calendar. A full-year calendar can be downloaded and printed from your home computer.
Create A New Calendar Event
There are websites that showcase perfect templates for your needs, whether you are trying to create a calendar event for your clients or social media followers. You can choose from various professionally-designed templates and customize the look and feel of your designs. You can add an event to your calendar with a simple click. Once you select the design, click on the More Calendars tab. This opens the task pane and shows you the available options. If you use a calendar connected to Twitter, you can also tweet your event. If you don’t want your event published, you can hide it from public viewing. You can also save your changes as a draft. Once you’ve finished making your changes, submit your event for review. This allows you to notify reviewers and make adjustments before publishing the event. You can then add additional information about the event.
Set Reminders To Notify You Before An Event
Using the Google calendar to set reminders is a great way to keep track of your to-do list. These little gems stay on your calendar until you mark them off the to-do list. To make this process even easier, you can set up recurring events. Similarly, if you need a quick vacation, you can use the calendar to remind you to pack a bag and hit the sack. You can also use other applications to automate these tasks. You can set up a smartphone notification to nudge you if you are a power user. The best part is you can set up many recurring event reminders. Depending on your preferences, you can set up an automated reminder for each day of the week. For instance, you can create a daily reminder for your morning coffee routine or a weekly reminder for your workouts. Alternatively, you can also set up a schedule for your workday activities. Then, you can use the calendar to check in on the latest status of your tasks.
Customize Your Calendar View
Users can set and customize their monthly calendar view using the customize screen in an online application. These views can be used for resource management, scheduling, and planning. The views are all different formats and allow users to customize how calendar events are displayed. Users can select which days to display and the month or specific weeks. These dates can be displayed in an arrow or as a list. This allows users to move to a specific day or week or jump to the previous or next week.